Sunday, November 27, 2005

If Hugo Chavez is all that bad....

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Bob Chapman is 'far right'. I am not. But both of us are 'free' thinking. Yet we have exchanged emails and agree on most issues, including the false - and divisive - "right" and "left" tags. Bob is blunt and to the point; wonderful! Maybe there's a lot more going on than just "right" and "left". Like, reality. Like, ignoring the false issues the 'elites' bring up to keep us divided. At a basic level, we ALL have the same interests. Maybe it's time we look at this?

...why doesn’t USA stop importing Venezuela’s oil?

THE INTERNATIONAL FORECASTER editor Bob Chapman writes: George and the neocons consider Venezuela and its President Hugo Chavez Frias a threat to US strategic security and in violation of the UN charter and terms between members of the OAS.

Plan Baboa, was used as an invasion plan against Venezuela and used as a military exercise in early 2001 by NATO.

As you can see US designs on Venezuela’s oil wealth goes back years.

Earlier this year a BBC Newsnight uncovered documents showing the Bush administration made plans to secure Iraqi oil even before the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the US. Thus, US and UK multinationals will seek returns of 42- 162%, far in excess of typical 12% returns. This pattern, over the last century, has made trillions of dollars for elitists. (And THERE is the common enemy of the People - Earl)

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Frias may be one of George and the neocons most ardent critics, but he is supplying 12 million gallons of discounted home heating oil to Massachusetts’s consumers and organizations serving the poor. Critics say Representative William Delahunt should not have made the arrangements with Mr. Chavez because he’s an outspoken socialist and revolutionary populist. If he’s all that bad why don’t we stop importing Venezuela’s oil? It is our fourth largest supplier.

Such complaints are silly. Here is someone willing to help the poor. If the Heritage Foundation disagrees they can volunteer the funds to subsidize what Mr. Chavez intends to do. Otherwise, they should shut up. We find it of interest that Heritage is a big Bush backer and they have made no comment on the fact that in Venezuela Mr. Chavez has an approval rating of 65% and that Mr. Bush has a 34% rating among Americans.

The conflicts, social upheaval allowed them to capture and control most of the world’s oil reserves. This time it is Iraq.

Read on, it gets interesting...


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