Friday, December 02, 2005

CIA and the hidden side of foreign policy

I don't have any qualms about legal and ethical intelligence gathering and behavior, that's part of the business of running a country. But there are borders. When a country - any country - oversteps legal and moral boundaries, they are wrong. Period.

The U.S. is not at all the only country engaging in unethical and illegal behavior, but at this point in time is the biggest offender. Even the Netherlands, one of the best examples of decency in the world the last decades, oversteps the boundaries at times, and parts of its past are not all to clean, either.

I think that it is now becoming obvious to many people that the U.S. "foreign policy" is nothing more than harsh neo colonialism and total disregard for decency. And is well on the way to fascism.

Kidnapping, detention, torture: US “renditions” scandal embroils whole of Europe.

The political scandal over the CIA’s transfer of alleged terrorists to overseas prisons where they are subject to torture has now embroiled governments throughout Europe. Airplanes operated by CIA-front companies carrying detainees have landed many times at European airports before flying off to countries where the prisoners are held incommunicado and tortured, with the knowledge and even direct participation of US operatives.

Human Rights Watch has said there is strong evidence, including the flight records of CIA jets transporting prisoners out of Afghanistan, that Poland and Romania were among countries allowing the CIA to operate secret detention centres, or “black sites.”

An analysis for the New York Times of 26 planes known to be operated by CIA front companies shows 307 flights in Europe since September 2001. There were 94 flights in Germany, the most in Europe, 76 flights from Britain, 33 from Ireland, 16 from Portugal, and 15 each from Spain and the Czech Republic. A similar investigation by the British Guardian newspaper states that when charter flights are included, the figure for Britain rises to more than 200.

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