Sunday, December 11, 2005

A New Orleans Christmas Story

And FEMA is the GRINCH, but then a giant version, who stole not only Christmas, but the very lives and well being of many thousands of residents. One example of many follows.

Elderly 85-year-old New Orleans Woman Could Lose Her House Over FEMA's Lack of Assistance.

Clothilde Mack of Orleans Parrish provides a stark example of how levies probably were wired and detonated, leading to a catastrophe of racial cleansing and property takeover.

The nightmare in New Orleans isn't over by a long shot and the on-going tragedy of 85-year-old Clothilde Mack is a stark example of the misery still blowing in the wind after Hurricane Katrina. It is well-known Washington dragged its feet in responding to Katrina and FEMA's initial recovery efforts made the Keystone Cops look efficient.

In fact, FEMA is still causing more harm than good, according to many victims seeking relief. But it's Ms Mack's personal story that really gets to the heart of the government's folly concerning Katrina, highlighting in human terms - with facts and real human emotions - what's really going on behind the political curtain of silence draped over the Crescent City.

Although it's rarely questioned in the media, there's an awfully good chance the levies were blown up, the disaster response time pathetic and the recovery effort abysmal as a planned scheme in order to maximize damage, leading to racial cleansing and a gambling haven with Las Vegas like hotels and casinos.

Read the 2005 American version of "A Christmas Carol". . .


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