Saturday, December 24, 2005

The Making of the Enemy

Having been born and grown up in the U.S. until the age of 48, I can bear witness to this article, for it outlines the manipulation of the American public by the 'elite'. It is the story of 'how America works'. For most of my 48 years in the U.S., I, too, bought into this matrix of manufactured 'reality'. In WW2, it was, of course, the Japanese and Germans who were the 'enemy'. Right after that, the 'Red Menace', the so-called 'Communists', specifically Soviet Russia. I remember the atmosphere during the times of Joe McCarthy. I remember the warnings and training we got regarding an atomic bomb attack. Then Korea and after that, Viet Nam, and a new chapter of the 'Red Menace'. China, too, was always in the background. Bomb shelters. And so on. When Soviet Russia collapsed, a new enemy was needed, and manufactured.

Ladies and gentlemen: I now present to you your newest and latest enemy: Fanatic Muslim Terrorists. And of course, Muslims are generally fanatical, backward, hot-headed, willing to give their lives for their cause; they are 'ragheads', the new equivalent of 'black hats'. Oh yes, and they are 'not like us Christians'. They hate us for our freedoms, and present a great threat to the American people. Just look what they did on 9/11.

Yeah, sure.

Whether in the newspapers, on TV news, or just in books and films, there was always the thread of "white hats" and "black hats", this discription coming from the earlier days of 'cowboys and Indians'. Yes, the Indians were our first 'enemy'. So this article rings true to my experience.

I finally, and very gradually, over some years, began to see through this when I met some real confrontations in my own life, and began - and I emphasize 'began' - to start thinking with a more open mind in the 1980s. And for me, the rest is history, as they say. One more thing: Internet has been the biggest boon to me once I started thinking more with an open mind.

The manufacture, marketing and dissemination of bogeymen enemies, both real and fictional, for a long time endemic in American society, has always worked to perfection, becoming the inertia used to control the population. It becomes the energy needed to maintain America’s permanent wartime economy. The creation of unseen bogeymen into supernatural evildoers fits the perfect mold of how the American citizenry has been brainwashed over the years through the use of Hollywood movies and television, with the constant themes of good versus evil, of fantasy and sensationalism, and of course the always needed happy ending, where the good guy always triumphs over the villain.

From Indians to Mexicans to Spanish to Filipinos to Germans to Soviets to Communists to Vietnamese to Arab Muslims to the future Chinese an external enemy has always been a threat, a thorn on our side, seemingly rising out of thin air, molded by the hands of greed addicts, warmongers, criminal capitalists and authoritarian corporatists, allowed to be born in order to cover up for the real and much more dangerous enemy.

External enemies have always existed in our reality because they are an invaluable tool to those who aspire to control the people and the resources of the planet. What was the Cold War but a charade used to gain control of and dominate southern nations, rich in natural resources and cheap labor, and to control their people, and hence their economies, both through market colonialism and the use of proctors? What is the so-called war on terror but a charade for the geostrategic race being waged to control the oil fields of the Middle East and Central Asia, knowing full well that oil is not finite and that the nation that controls the oil will invariably control the world?

Read on ....


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