Merkel's grand coalition to implement social cuts
Just as the Democrats in the US long ago gave up any representation for the vast majority (if they, indeed, ever had it) and sold out to the siren song of money and the real powers that be, the PvDA and other parties in the Netherlands have also done so these last years (with one exception yet, the SP, and they also bear watching). And in Germany, the story is the same, not to mention France with the recent "riots" being a classic example. This report lays out what is happening in Germany.
The time has come for the People themselves to face this, and begin to decide for themselves what must be done. And not with violence, but simply by again talking with each other, neighbor to neighbor. And listening more than talking. For in the People rests the ultimate power, unless they give that over on the 'elite' as they have always done. It is time the People start speaking for themselves. No one else is doing this for them. And that is what democracy is about.
After all, "if you always do what you've always done, you're going to always get what you've always got."
What it amounts to is that most parties claiming to be "for the people" have sold out
On November 22 Christian Democrat leader Angela Merkel was elected chancellor in the plenary hall of Berlin’s Reichstag. She received 397 votes of the 448 deputies belonging to the grand coalition of the Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union (CDU/CSU) and the Social Democratic Party (SPD). Fifty-one deputies from the “Union” and SPD factions refused to support her.
One of the first to congratulate Merkel was outgoing SPD chancellor Gerhard Schröder. Later, when the formal transfer of the chancellorship took place, Merkel thanked him for his co-operation and confidentiality over the past weeks during coalition negotiations. In the days before Tuesday’s vote, the SPD had organised an intensive campaign to guarantee that all social democratic deputies voted for Merkel.
Read more on the rape of the People...